2026 International Convention update
Just wanted to give you a bit of an update on our exciting San Diego convention in '26. We've had a couple good and productive meetings recently with Julie at the Legacy Hotel. It's been great to eyeball the spaces so we can visualize the logistics of how it will all fit. In the near future, I'll be making our first deposit to hold the spaces and lock down pricing. (Probably sometime in October.) So, if I may, I'd like to mention again that if anyone would like to become a sponsor and help offset some of the early expenses with a gift, we'd sure appreciate it. Each cycle, the new convention is basically self sustaining. We will list, with your permission of course, all donors in a donor page in the official program. (If you are so inclined, please PM me or email me at Jolie116mm@aol.com for details. Donations can be done by cheque or PayPal.)
Above is Ken Mitchroney 's superb convention logo! We are putting together a fine four days that will include a literal Saps at Sea dinner cruise in the Harbor, a banquet replete with vintage music by Dean Mora and his orchestra, and a special film night in the 500 seat theatre! Professional accompanist Russ Peck will play the silent portion. You're in for a treat and major surprises!
We will also go by coach to show off some of this lovely city at the famous Old Town district, the carrier Midway, and the cruise. We are now also offering an extra, optional post convention trip by coach to the historic Hotel Del Coronado and the Zoo, and its newest additions, the pandas! Start saving now, as you won't want to miss out!
In dear Stan's words, God bless.
Dave Greim, chairman

See HERE also