New address for Grand Sheik of Them Thar Hills Tent of Carlisle
New address for George Cullen:
39 Oswine Place,
CA3 0FZ.
Intra-Tent Journal
The latest Intra-Tent Journal is out. To subscribe contact editor Bill Oates at itj.inbox@gmail.com.

Matthew at Dickensian Festival in Ulverston
I'll be performing a few of my songs along with some Christmas classics at Ulverston's Dickensian Festival on Sunday 24th November at 11am on the Theatre Street Stage.
Enjoy the festival and Merry Christmas!
Matthew Cooper
On the telly
Just spotted the boys on Bargain Hunt.
One of the presenters picked up an autograph notebook for £5, and unknown to them L&H autographs were on the 1st page from the London Palladium (c1947 ?).
Auctioneer reckoned they were genuine. Went for £175.
It will likely be on iPlayer.
Fred Terris

European Convention 2025
I recommend our Tent website www.ifiglideldeserto.it.
Ale Santi
Bonnie Scotland Tent of Paisley
A nice turn out for the Octember meeting, and it was good to see George Doherty back after a wee while. It was Hallowe’en, so it was a spooky night with some murders thrown in for good measure. The Live Ghost started things off followed by Habeas Corpus, Oliver VIII and The Laurel-Hardy Murder.
There was a good supply of raffle prizes, with quite a few Laurel and Hardy items and it was a pretty even dispersal of prizes throughout the pub. Well done to Mick on his ticket salesmanship.
Ship ahoy as 10 Blotto Bonnies in the shapes of Tom, Dave W, Tony, Trish, Davie, along with Paul and Derek from the Blotto Tent, Melvin and Brenda from Them Thar Hills and me joined The Waverley for her penultimate sail of the year. Aboard we met up with Ken Darroch, our Mr Waverley.
We had the annual Waverley Quiz, with the shield moving south of the
border. Paul knew from the start it was very unlikely he would win – always good to set expectations low. Brenda, with a little help from Melvin gave it a good go, however in the end it was Dave W and Derek who were the winners. After our sail, we adjourned to The Sea View in Gourock for our evening meal. Toasts and our anthem rang around other somewhat surprised diners.
Our December meeting is Thursday 12 December. The Christmas party is Saturday 18 January: a slap up meal in Allan’s Snack Bar in Paisley then off to the Tartan Rose for the quiz, raffle and more socialising.
Janice Hawton

Night Owls Tent of Oldham

Below Zero Tent of Battle

Beau Chumps Tent of Sunderland
The Chumps held their Nowonder meeting on Weds 11th and had a swell time, with almost 40 enjoying ‘Do Detectives Think?’, Gary Winstanley’s 2022 production of ‘Laurel and Hardy’s Musical Memories’ and ‘Their First Mistake’.
Many sported the new 40th Anniversary t-shirts, downed turkey and stuffing sarnies, collected their signed copies of Willie McIntyre’s splendid ‘Laurel & Hardy Digest’ invested in the raffle and generally had a swell time.
We’re looking forward to our Christmas event on Weds Dec 11 when two of the highlights will be a themed buffet and a first screening of the colourised ‘Babes in Toyland’.
As you may be aware, in recent years, I've used the final Beau Chumps Bulletin of the year to recognise fellow Sons and Laurel and Hardy alumni who have left us, and I will be proud to do so again this year. We are, I am sure, grateful that each of those we have lost became friends and spent time with us, and of course with Stan and Babe in our mutual enjoyment of their splendid pictures. On that note, if you have lost any fellow members or L&H aficionados since January 1st 2024, please let me know with tent and location details and I will do the rest. I'll publish the list as previously in the last Bulletin of the year. Please don't assume I already know, contact me yourself. I'd far rather have the details several times than not at all. Please feel free to share this too.
Email beauchumpssunderland@gmail.com
You might get an 'on holiday' response from me, but you can be sure I will pick your email up on my return and add it to our sad list.
Mike Jones
Flying Elephants Tent of Bolton
Our next monthly meeting is on Tuesday 3rd of Dec. This meeting is open to anyone that enjoys Laurel & Hardy and you are all very welcome to join us at the Hardy Hall, Little Lever, Bolton from 7 0clock onwards for a swell night of laughter.
Barrie Winnard

Did you know?
Hardy’s fine singing voice is known to us through his occasional tonsil quiverings on the screen. In his youth he was part of a quartet named The Twentieth Century Four. Their combined bulk was recognised in their alternative name of Half a Ton of Harmony.
From The Laurel & Hardy Digest

Christmas cards and calendars are available now. Last year (and the year before) we raised £500 for our charity. Please help us do the same again this year.
... and finally