Four places available for UK Convention
Over 100 delegates from all over the UK, as well as from Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Ireland and the US, will be gathering at the beautiful Arden Hotel, for 4 days of fun and laughter.
A packed itinerary includes a trip out to the Birmingham Hippodrome Theatre (where John McCabe first met the Boys in 1953), plus games, quiz, memorabilia sales, fancy dress parade, live bands, and the ever popular Sons Entertain. So, why not come and join us, in Charlie Hall’s hometown?
The cost for all of this is ONLY £290 per person (which includes 3 nights Dinner, Bed & Breakfast, a Convention Goody Bag, and all convention activities and entertainment).
For more information, and to book a place, contact John Ullah (Laughing Gravy) on: j.ullah42@outlook.com

Just a brief update on our original hotel, The Strathallan – we have now found out the reason they pulled out is because the hotel is currently being used to house homeless families. We would like to say that obviously we do not begrudge these families and their children a roof over their heads. We just wish they’d told us sooner. Anyway, our new hotel, The Arden, have been great. They have given us a fantastic deal as we told them we hadn’t eaten for three whole days!
We have almost managed to fill all the convention places. However, we still have 4 spaces left. So, if you know anyone who is interested, please ask them to get in touch with us ASAP. Thank you.
John and Mandy
Lord Heath's website deleted
After 13 years of work, I have finally done it.
I have deleted all the pages, images and everything to do with my website lordheath.com forevever. No more working hours every day on a site I no longer enjoy and receiving very little support. People saying they will donate - and then they don't.
Sorry, I have simply had enough. I desperately need the money and it just isn’t going to happen. I'm done.
No income = no website.
David Lord Heath
Thanks for all the years of great work, David. Your site was marvellous and we shall all miss it greatly.
Willie McIntyre
New tent
The name we have chosen is “Should Married Men Go Home” for our tent. The members voted for this unanimously!
We are all avid enthusiasts of Laurel and Hardy and the age range of the group is from 30-75 yrs old, who love anything Stan and Ollie.
Unfortunately the silent films are not a great hit with one of our members who’s blind but he takes it all in good humour!
The pub has newly reopened and is very much the heart of the community where everyone is welcome. Our regulars approached me to form a tent and I was delighted to do so.
Yes, I am the Grand Sheik and our meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of every month.
Nicola Hannible

This is good news. We have asked Nicola for details of where her tent resides!

Spotted on the internet

Men o’War Tent of Colchester
Our next meeting at Brantham is on 9th March and we've got a great programme lined up.
We have opened the last two meetings with a little 'extra' in the form of a vintage cartoon and this is planned for the March meeting too. I am really excited and eagerly looking forward to seeing Call of the Cuckoo which is from the newly restored collection on BluRay that has been getting excellent reviews. The two sound films (A Chump at Oxford and One Good Turn) will be shown on 16mm.
Paul Harding

The Live Ghost Tent of London
Meeting dates for 2024:
March 2nd.
June 1st.
September 14th.
December 7th.
Back at the Panopticon in Glasgow

...and finally